Are online medium sessions the same quality as in person?
Yes! Quality is not measured by the medium being used (pun-intended!). The internet is an incredibly effective platform in transferring significant messaging to each person. In fact, sessions online have allowed many family members and friends to participate in group readings from multiple locations through Zoom. We all are aware of the heart-opening intimacy that’s possible when we’re in the same physical location, even if it is online.
What are the best ways I can communicate with my loved ones?
Working with a medium will empower you to develop faith in listening to your loved ones. A medium communicates information that you may not be able to hear because of your relationship to that person, for example, grief or doubt can get in the way. However, you’re always intuitively able to feel their love by quieting the mind and perhaps meditating. Medium messaging can be unbiased and offer specific actions for your journey that are purposeful. The medium is in the middle and is a messenger of unconditional love from the other side.
Do clients see you more than once?
Definitely. Included in the tens of thousands of readings accomplished, many clients have been seen regularly. There are times in all of our lives where we need help and guidance until we make or embrace the CHANGE. Your loved ones are always around to conference and comfort you. Spiritual counseling is also offered when needed, and many clients have annual “check-ups.”
Are clients scared, nervous, or skeptical?
Yes, of course. Healthy skepticism is okay! If you have fear about a medium reading then you probably have other fears in your life as well. The fear needs to be addressed, not the medium message. Your loved ones don’t deliver bad news. The fact that you’re excited, interested, and learning something new about yourself and you’re willing to challenge a belief system is healthy! Discovering new ideas about life and after-life is transformational. It’s very exciting and any nervousness often means that you’re going to experience something NEW! We call them truth tremors and truth bumps!
Can I record my Medium session?
It’s mandatory that you tape your session/message. You’ll listen to it over and over again and hear more than you did before. You can also reference the psychic phenomena when it happens later!
What do the Spirits talk about?
Everything. The past, present, and future. They involve your living relatives and those that are on the other side. Finances, relationships, health, home improvements, business consulting, down to what’s on your kitchen table may be discussed! They also can confirm conversations you’ve had. They’re no longer in their body and do not have judgments, yet they often have playful opinions!
Is there any preparation that can be helpful to the process?
Yes! Please relax and privately connect to your loved ones and ask them to be a part of your session! I encourage you to arrive in a relaxed state of mind so you can feel more and optimize the time together. Have your recorder ready on a separate device (please use a second device if virtual) for the medium session. Your cell phone can record using “voice memos” or “voice recorders,” There are free apps that you can download to your device as well.
Do our loved ones always visit?
Yes. Messages from visiting loved ones is further answered in my book, Medium Memoirs, Messages of Love, Hope and Reunion. Basically, all spirits can arrive for your session, and then it’s the amount of time and their ability to connect. Each reading essentially could last for hours. Whoever does come through is because that’s the most significant messaging that’s purposeful in your life, right now, given the allotted time. We optimize our sessions by multi-messaging consistently and take questions if necessary. The sessions are more than you could ever imagine, and the messages will move you physically and emotionally.
Does Meditation help?
Yes. Meditation, yoga, and mindfulness practices have a long history of use for calmness and physical relaxation improved mental balance and enhances overall health and well-being!
Will I get a message if I’m in a Medium group? Should I join a large or small group?
Yes, you will achieve a personal, specific message if you are in a private scheduled group reading. For some participants, it’s comfortable to be with other group members that they don’t know. Achieving personal messaging and feeling the empowerment of supporting others in love is phenomenal. We’re all connected and so are the spirits!
What can I expect at a Public Medium Event?
Readings are shared randomly throughout the audience. The spirits multitask and you may achieve a message or you may hear a message for yourself through someone else’s readings. If you want to achieve your specific messaging then request a private to ensure you connect!
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